Monday 24 December 2012

White Christmas

Hey everyone,

a  happy Christmas and a great Christmas day. Hope you all get a lot of nice presents and have a great time (^_^)

Monday 15 October 2012


Ulzzang is a south korean fashion trend. The word ulzzang (kor.얼짱means something like 'best face' or 'good looking'. Characteristics of this style are big eyes, often contact lenses, pale skin, small nose and small lips. Also a 'V'-shaped face for what most of them have to go under plastic surgery.

Because the trend is from Korea most of the Ulzzangs are Korean and most of them are really popular in their schools or work in the show and music business.

The best example of this is Kim Him Chan from the boy group B.A.P. Before his debut he was a quite  famous Ulzzang and when he auditioned he didn't even had to sing to got taken. The link for the howl article is here .

I have added some pictures. I really like this fashion style because it's quite simple to do. You don't really have to care about what clothes you are buying because it's more about your appearance and your face.

Monday 8 October 2012


I'm normally not a really big fan of Girls Generation. Sure I know most of their songs and I also liked some of their songs but I REALLY love this song. I can't even say what part I like the most. Just everything of it is beautiful. Jessicas Outfit with the black hair band with the tie, the curvy hair and the dress dress with the black points is probably the prettiest one. That should not mean that I don't like the other outfits they are all extreme beautiful but if I had to pick one as my favorite I would pick Jessicas.

Friday 28 September 2012

Picture of you

Yah that are the first pictures of me in England. It was really cold on that day but like you can see I'm still alive.


Most of you will have noticed that the blog has a new design. I hope you will like it. I myself had a lot of fun designing everything and search for the pictures. We will see if I will add something but for the moment I think that is it.

The Blog except from the new color and the background two new sides, fanfictions and philosophy. 

Explanation: I love reading fanfictions and also write some myself. From time to time I will post them here and I hope you will give me feedback if you like them or not (^_^).

I'm not sure about the side philosophy yet. In general I'm a person who likes to think about everything and philosophize about things. At the moment I'm not really sure how I should write that down here but I will come up with a idea soon. The thing won't have much to do with Korea, England or Germany but mostly about whats going on in my head. I would really like it if you would comment on it and probably discuss about it because I think that discussing about things in philosophy is the best way to come to some sort of solution.   


It has already been 3 weeks now. I'm not homesick yet but I have a lot of STRESS. Buying a sim card, finding clubs where I can do my hobbies, chatting with friends, organizing everything at school, meetings with the organisation and so on. Everybody wants something from me (^_^).

At the first day of school me and 2 other exchange students got lost on the way of school. We walked around for about 1 hour but at the end we found it.

I'm still trying to find new friends. There are 2 exchange students from the same organisation who also go to my school so I try to stuck with them. Also the people in my school are really nice and there always is someone in the common room you can talk to in the breaks.

Oh yes and my shopping addiction (T_T). I spend about 400€ in the 3 weeks. I know it's a lot but I can't say no to new clothes and other things.

Hope you will hear of me soon xx

Tell me goodbye

FINALLY!?! People who also look at my other blog probably already saw that I posted some things there but I couldn't find the time for translating it so here it is. I'm really sorry I will try to translate faster in the future.

So I arrived about 3 weeks ago. I just wanted to tell how everything worked on my day of arriving in England. I was at the airport at about 8am. I was extreme nervous and couldn't really eat anything the howl day. Even inside the airplane it wasn't possible to relax for me. I kept shaking even if I'm normally not afraid of flying. After a 2 hours I finally arrived in England at about 11.20am. I found the people from the organisation and than I stood there with 50 other exchange students from everywhere in the world. At the beginning I was a little bit lonely and didn't really knew with whom I should talk. After 30 minutes a group of 2 guys and 1 girl smiled at me and waved me over. I talked to them for about 3 hours until the rest of the exchange students arrived. We drove to the house of my host family and they showed me the house.

That's actually it. It was really a lot to remember on the first day but it's getting better now (^_^).